Archie Animation On The Web!!!!

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Archie Animation On The Web!!!!

LOL well sorta. I'm trying to make my ideas a bit more public to people, so rather pay the £20 a year for some web sapce i went with the tight purse alternative and went to Many people do it, look at Jason Rubin of Naughty Dog, he's promoting his new game on there. So i thought i'd do the same. My film and company are on myspace at the minute, under the display name Archie Animation. There are 2 spaces for the same thing, dont sign yourself to the one with the picture of the city scape. Please sign up though, add me as a friend or something, show interestm criticise, anything. I need it. THANKS.

I couldn't find you. Could you post a link? I hope you don't mind my asking, but are you allowed to call yourself Archie Animation? I would have thought the Archie Comics people would have tied up that name.

Laurence Finston


Well Archie is just my nickname and no relation to Archie Comics what so ever. Archie is merely a name and you can't copyright that. I think Archie is a name that has probably been used more then once in animation (i hope) If i were to call it Jughead Animation or something like that, i think a court case would probably ensue. I have no copyright at the minute so it's not really a company with a building, it's just me in my room, if there is a conflict i will rename the company.

Thanks. I'll have a look through it when I have a chance.

True. I'm not trying to protect Archie Comics; I figure they can take care of themselves. Sometimes companies register related terms as trademarks, though. There were also Archie animations, if you call that animation.

I can't think of any other examples, but maybe one of our resident animation historians can.

I doubt it. I think the same principle would apply. It's unlikely that anyone would sue you unless it was worth his/her while, anyway.

I don't think you can copyright the name, but you do automatically have a copyright on anything original that you create. For example, if you drew a logo with the name "Archie Animations", you would have a copyright on it. If it turns out that you are violating someone else's copyright or using someone else's registered trademark, you would have a problem, if they decided to pursue legal action. The first step would probably just be to ask you to remove the work from public display. To protect your rights, you should always place a copyright notice on your works. It doesn't have to be right on the drawing; it could be on a tag or a title area next to it.

I'm not trying to make you worry about something unnecessarily. The problem with the name Archie is that it's already so strongly associated with that series of comics.


Thanks for the advice.