elephant animation

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elephant animation

Hi all,

Just wanted some crits on an elephant animation I've been playing with lately.


The timing of the legs are off. There are times where you have both the front and rear legs on the same side off the ground. If this was a real elephant, he would tip over. Go to the zoo and video some reference of an elephant walking. They usually walk with the right front and left reaf moving forward at about the same time. And vice versa.

The texturing you did on the elephant's skin looks great.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Yeah the legs, in the front, were pretty pretty off. butother than great animation!

What would scooby do?

This looks pretty good. I think it's front knees bend a little too much though... Then again, if it were played at a slower speed, it might look more realistic.