Hey guys i'm new here and hope to get alone with you all :)
I wanted to know if there was any good animation software for mac os x becuase i'm no longer on windows so i can't use Anim8or (www.anim8or.com) it's a very nice free 3d cgi animaiton software. i have been interested in animation for a long time now and now into 3d cgi and stop motion cel is not my type.
been searching google for cgi software for mac but can't find much just very powerfull programs that cost loads.
EDIT: i've been using blender for mac (free software) but don't think it's very user friendly
Thanks for your time
Aaron - age 13 from uk
Looks to me like you are going to have to pick a price range and give us an idea of where you are planning to publish your work, like web or disk. If you wont to stick to 3d then you have to make some hard choices to keep the price down.
If you're 13, you're probably in school. And if you're in school, you can pick up educational copies of practically any animation software for much less than street price. Check out sites like www.journeyed.com and see what I mean.
Also, if you're looking for free software, you'll have to take the good with the bad. Blender does have a reputation for a steep learning curve, but I've heard good things about the quality of output it'll give. This short was done using Blender, and it looks pretty good. The point is, if you're looking for something free and easy to use, you're probably going to be looking for a while.
Welcome. Looking forward to seeing some of your work.
Blender is available for Mac OS X--and it's free.