Drawing Tips sites needed

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Drawing Tips sites needed

Hello all, This is my first thread here. I have a question with reference to the above. Is there any websites that can teach about drawing? I want to learn all the tricks of the trade and also improve my own drawing skills (If it even exists, haha) Thank you.

If you find one, please post a link here. I have looked for a forum and came up with very little. I am thinking that illustrator and fine art foke do not do much web surfing.

The best thing to do is work on something, then post a link and ask for suggestions. With the visual arts there are no hard fast rules, only suggestions. Ask Billy and Gabe, they have both advanced but only once they posted what they were working on and others of us could see what that was and give advice. You never have to take it if you don't want to, but sometimes there's one of those light bulb moments where you say...never thought of that.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

When I first came to AWN I knew nothing about animation, except the tutorials in Flash. So many people helped me out. That's why I am still here. Tony and Larry filled me in on the basics, and a lot of the members jumped in and helped me grow. I am still not a media giant, just a little web animator, but I've seen my growth, and I want to give back what everyone else shared with me. I can share my net knowledge, and I am sure the others that are working in mainstream media are still willing to share.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

If you haven't yet been, I always see ConceptArt.org as a good place for fine artists, and the community there is pretty nice. The students generally aren't the brightest and best but the people who produce good work are very active and in general ready and willing to talk and help out.

The Andrew Loomis books are amazing and can be found here.

Glen Vilppu is a legend in animation circles apparently.

Visit my website:

Claire O'Brien.com

Wow, I'd like to post a drawing or two but My drawing on PC skills is very bad. I'll try anyway, thanks for your help! :D


-Here's a more direct link to some Loomis books. He's really the best, IMO. Unfortunately, his stuff is out of print. As usual, I'll recomend Cartoon Animation by Preston Blair, and Draw Comics With Dick Giordano. Both have a lot of tips on construction.

But first, I'd go through Loomis's Figure Drawing book linked above, and print out some of the charts and illustrations. Seems like I learn something every time I go back to Loomis.