"Transformers" looks to be the big summer movie so far grossing $153 million. Gotta love a 7 day weekend huh? :D Although with "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" opening on the 11th it might slow down the giant robots.
It is amazing how much of a geek I can be. At the first sight when Bumblebee and Optimus Prime transform, I'm hooting and cheering with the rest of the theater. I've found my people. I won't say it's a good movie. It was completely entertaining. I'm a big Michael Bay fan, but I think this was his weakest movie that I've seen. Now I know going in I'm not going to get a though provoking story out of him, but this was full of huge holes and gaps. I'm kind of curious if this had anything to do with Steven Spielberg being executive producer instead of Jerry Bruckheimer. I'm just wondering if Steven had some different imput than Michael normally gets.
Aside from the story holes, this was a great ride. Typically amazing Michael Bay action and effects. It's still hard for me to believe that the Transformers aren't real. The effects are that good that it looks like they actually built full size robots that could walk around in the city. I do wish they used the original G1 designs, but after you see them transform, I didn't really care any more. :D
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
I've always wondered why studios feel the need to update successful movies from the past. The original "Sabrina" with Bogart and Audrey Hepburn was a terrific film, but it was "updated" with Harrison Ford and Julia Ormond, and the new version isn't nearly as good.
It seems to me that film concepts that were executed badly the first time around would be more ripe for updating. At least the filmmakers would have the advantage of knowing what doesn't work going in :D
The beauty of that statement is you can put any cheesehead celebrity in there and it still works. Try:
Lindsay Lohan
Ben Affleck
Ryan Seacrest...
See? It just works, no matter who you plug in there... :D
I always sort of wondered what some cars hypothetically look like as Transformers. Just the idea of a '93 Geo Metro hatchback shooting giant robots to save the human race is...:D
in my sincerely opinion... the effects and the design was great..but the story itself.............................. have you noticed that it was kind of a mix of power rangers...lord of the rings ( all the movie follows one purpose: to protect and find the "precious" - a cube in this case), that typical story about the pretty girl that falls in love with at first the "stupid boy" that transforms himself into an "hero" and who had a big passion for this girl since his childhood.....
I've watched LOTR several times, and I don't remember Frodo falling in love with anyone, unless you count him constantly batting his eyes at Sam. :)
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Yup the story is a little wonky. It's pretty much a version of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey. Many many books and movies use this formula including Lord of the Rings, Starwars, the Incredibles, and many others. It's a good solid formula and thats why it's used a lot.
I'm not quite seeing Power Rangers though other than big robots fighting in the city.
Anybody else notice that it takes place on A Earth, but not really OUR Earth? Carrier battle groups were dispatched to the Asian Sea and Arabian Gulf. Huh? Also Los Angeles is called a different name. Just thought that was kind of interesting.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
With all the robot fights going on, who could notice anything? Oh, wait... :D
Ahaha. I have to admit, I only noticed it the second time around. :D
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Easy answer.
Why take a chance on a new story or new concept when you can just take something everyone already likes and give it a new updated look and cash in on its established popularity?
It also shows the need of the web for testing new ideas out.
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Well of course. My (somewhat toungue-in-cheek) point was that there are plenty of bad movies out there. Take a shot at fixing what's wrong with those, rather than trying to improve on what's already good. Did we really need a shot-for-shot remake of "Psycho"?:D
More seriously, I doubt remaking a movie like my example, "Sabrina" is considered a guaranteed cash cow by anyone in Hollywood. First of all, the original is over 50 years old; those who like it are most likely classic movie buffs to begin with who couldn't care less about a remake and aren't going to be among the new movie's customer base. And those unfamiliar with the original aren't necessarily going to flock to a new version because they're told the original was good.
Your response would have worked better if I'd said something like "why oh why does Jeffrey Katzenberg want to make two more Shrek movies?"
That's also an easy answer. When he was younger he used to babysit his neighbor's son, Welanov Korsikowski. The parents told him "You can't leave Welanov alone" and the rest is history.
When the movie showed the Lincoln Navigator grab that "Lindsay Paris Britney" character's face and the Mountain Dew machine transformed and started shooting cans of pop, that kinda quenched that thirst in me....
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Michael Bay is quite a talented director, not to mention a consistent hit-maker. And while his taste may not be yours (or mine necessarily), and while he might be quite the loud, rude, crude egomaniac - he's certainly not stupid.
Now Paris Hilton on the other hand...
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I had the opportunity to see this movie over the weekend.
I will be seeing it again. I would see it a third time, but I have problems with teenagers in movies, they irk me way too much.
I'll be blunt: no words can describe how much I hated Transformers. Never mind the background or FX - I just couldn't watch that movie. There was NOTHING in it for me, all I perceived was bits of metal intermixed with explosions. I'm 27 years old, I'm supposed to "get" this kind of film-making. Sorry, but I simply refuse to.
I went back for a second viewing a few days ago and I had a hard time watching it a second time. My expectations were not met with the first viewing but I wanted to see the FX again. The movie just could not hold my interest so I left. I really hate that about these movies now, watching a movie for a second time is very rare for me.
Oh, I hear nothing but good things about "The Simpsons" and I hope "Underdog" has at least some laughts in it.
I sat through it but I'm certainly not going back for a second helping. There is something very unhealthy about that kind of film-making, in my humble opinion. It's like they are taking the viewers basic ability to experience form, shape and coherency, throw it all into a bucket and blend it into something that is big, loud and shapeless. There is a whole generation growing up with that kind of visual storytelling. Seriously, I think that can't be good.
I'll give Simpsons a try, that's for sure. Underdog - nah. The cartoon show was never popular in Germany so I haven't got any memories to go back to for a movie like that.
I grew up playing with Transformers (and Gobots) and I'm totally not even interested in this movie. I think I'm getting jaded as I age. I can't see an action movie just for actions sake. If there are story or plot issues that aren't working, then I just can't enjoy myself, no matter how cool the effects are.
We just had another baby and we don't get to go to movies hardly ever so, on the off chance that I do get out to see a movie, I have to be sure that I'm going to enjoy it, otherwise who knows when I'll get another chance to see a new release again! Sorry to sound like a party-pooper
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I initially refused to go see this as well, relenting only after my son, wife, brother, and nephew raved about it (my sister-in-law and I went to see "Die Hard"). The effects are spectacular and the compositing is first-rate. I had trouble staying awake during the early going, but once the final smackdown started, it was pretty cool.
I know what you mean. I have friends that feel the same way. "This isn't Transformers..."
I grew up with Transformers as well. I was 11 or 12 when the show aired and I loved that show. That and Thundercats where THE shows when I was a kid. Snarf snarf. So Transformers is close to my heart. In fact I loved the show so much, I refuse to by the shows on DVD because I want to keep that golden childhood memory of the show which I know will be destroyed if I watch it now. Believe me, I was pissed when I heard Bumblebee was a Camero, but once he gets going, I didn't mind it. On the flip side, I know a guy who hates Michael Bay and thought he was going to ruin this movie but walked out loving it.
It was a fun movie. I'm not expecting Cassablanca or Citizen Kane, but it was a fun 2 and a half hour roller coaster ride.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
For those who watched the "Transformers" and took a pass on Harry Potter, the "Transformers" has the better effects.
I went back to the Potter movie for a second time to see why did not feel amazed and I found a number of things. One thing that really sticks out is the CG characters looked about as good as something in a computer role playing game. The characters called Dementors is the best example, if you look at them in "Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban" you will see a hugh difference.
Now that I have seen Potter twice, I am going back to see "Transformers" again if only to purge the mental pallet of those poor images from the Potter movie.
One really good thing about the "Transformers", now that they have done all that work on building those models, I am sure the next movie will transform into even a better movie.
Yeah, I grew up with the Transformers show and toys. I went into the theater with my arms crossed... yeah... But I was really happy with what they came up with. I really appreciated the original voice of Optimus Prime and the original transforming sound effect.
I agree about the holes in the plot. What happened to the scorpion thing? And what happened to the rest of that (omigod) blonde's nerd squad?
I'm sure they'll be a sequel for us to comment on. They basically told us so at the end.
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Looks like we'll have to wait two years for that. :D http://imdb.com/title/tt1055369/
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
I was hoping for a whole lot more from a first time live actor feature. There is no reason to rush the storyline or cram all that action into the last thirty minutes of the film.
I am glad I saw it but I wish it was good enough to go see it again. This is one movie that will not make it into my film labrary. :(
I agree that the film has holes, but it's the kind of movie that makes you forget them until you walk out of the theatre (Jurassic Park was another one like that).
I loved it. It delivers exactly what it promises - an action-packed ride with cars that turn into giant robots. I even thought the human stories worked pretty well.
All in all, you definitely get your money's worth.
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Agreed. Although I'm not a really big fan of Harry Potter, (although I should be lol) I saw a little bit of the effects and Transformers really blew them out of the water for me. It would have been nice if the action wasn't so shaky at times, but hopefully when the next movie comes out they'll be able to do a lot better. My Mazda3 Autobot "Krator Magnus" and I will be waiting :D
I'm saying one thing.
If they come out with a Thundercats movie I'm going to go insane and just faint.
Then pad your walls and have someone catch you. A Thundercats movie is in the works...
Snarf snarf.
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Ancient spirits of eeeeeevil, transform this decayed form......
My GTI Decepticon "Switch Back" and I will be ready for you!
I just saw it a second time this weekend. The plot holes didn't bother me as much this time around, maybe because I knew they were there. I was still blown away by the FX. There are some shots that I'm shocked that they didn't really build walking robots!
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
It is not that I do not like the idea of turning old shows into updated movie, it is just that I am glad that Pixar only puts out original feature films.
*clutches heart*
Transformers is one thing...but Thundercats is near and dear to me!
Well there goes my savings. I'm going to have to buy all the Thundercats movie merchandise I can find. Let me pay down my credit card now...
It is an indelible stain upon the history of the human race that someone as ridiculously stupid as Michael Bay gets to be so rich.
I think you mean Paris Hilton. :D
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."