Get a chance to show your work at the //ADAPT Conference Theater!
The theater will feature some of the best work created by major studios, schools, independent artists and students alike!
We are accepting finished work dating between January 2006 and September 2007 in the following categories: [/COLOR][LIST]
[*]Company reels
[*]Company shorts
[*]Game trailers
[*]Game cinematics
[*]Independent shorts
[*]School reels
[*]Student shorts[/LIST][LIST]
[*]2D/3D stills[/LIST]Close date for file upload is Sunday, September 9, 12am
Access for upload (get flash)
[*]Please upload your movie file and a text file with credits including your email.
[*]Both movie and text files need to have the same naming convention.
[*]All files need to be minimum 720*480 NTSC or PAL
[*]Any size bigger than 720*480 is more than welcome
[*]Please do not submit extremely compressed files as they will not be chosen for screening. Remember, this will be on a big screen![/LIST]2D/3D STILLS [LIST]
[*]Please upload your art file and a text file with credits including your email.
[*]Both art and text files need to have the same naming convention.
[*]High resolution only. Remember, this will be printed 11*17 inches or higher![/LIST]If your film or still is chosen, you will be notified before the event.
Films will play in the //ADAPT Theater
Stills will be displayed in the //ADAPT Art Expo presented by Corel
Thanks and we hope to see you all at //ADAPT[COLOR=royalblue]2007![/COLOR]
Emile Ghorayeb | animation