Just in time for the start of the school year, Alias|Wavefront has released eight new learning tools -- two books and six DVDs -- that target all levels of Maya user. Beginners will benefit from the Learning Maya / Beginner's Guide DVD, a one-hour guided tour of Maya aimed at the novice user, while intermediate and advanced users can further develop their skills with tools such as the Learning Maya / Dynamics book and the Maya Techniques / Rigid Body Simulations for Visual Effects DVD. The Learning Maya / Dynamics book combines step-by-step tutorials with theoretical discussions including chapter-by-chapter instructor overviews presented in QuickTime format on a CD-ROM. Additional theory and recommended workflow when using the Maya dynamic systems are explored in the Maya Techniques / Rigid Body Simulations for Visual Effects DVD. All Alias learning tools are available to purchase online at www.aliaswavefrontstore.com. For more information and a list of all of the new learning tools, visit www.aliaswavefront.com/mayalearn.