The Animation School Partners on Triggerfish’s ‘Khumba’

Triggerfish partners with South Africa’s The Animation School on the animated film Khumba.

 Cape Town based animation studio, Triggerfish, has produced its second animated South African film, Khumba in collaboration with The Animation School. The movie is due for release on 25 October 2013 in the country and the United States.

Triggerfish recruited local talent in the production of the anticipated film, including several students and head lecturer from The Animation School, Benito Kok. The Animation School is one of South Africa’s only formally accredited animation and visual effects training centres.

Khumba is a 3D creation, so it was right up our alley. The Animation School’s involvement in the film was a giant stride forward for the South African animation industry, “said Nuno Martins, cofounder and principal of The Animation School.

The film is based on a character dubbed Khumba who is a half-striped Zebra. He embarks on a journey to earn his stripes after he is blamed for lack of rain by the rest of his insular, superstitious herd.

What’s more, The Animation School has formally announced the introduction of a fully equipped Johannesburg campus which will open in 2014 in response to significant student demand.

Prospective students eager to learn more about The Animation School Johannesburg and its offerings are encouraged to attend one of several daytime presentations, hosted by Martins in October and November 2013.

“We are proud of our involvement in the production of this fun- adventure, family comedy. Moreover, we are excited to be a part of the budding animation industry and of our role in its growth,” concluded Nuno.

The film is distributed by Indigenous Film Distribution in South Africa and an independent film distributor based in Los Angeles, Millennium Entertainment.

Source: The Animation School

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.