The Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2013 and Dailymotion launch a new free online animation film contest entitled “+ de courts!”
The Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2013 and Dailymotion are launching a new free online animation film contest entitled “+ de courts!”
Open to all creative artists, the contest allows animated film submissions of no more than five minutes long relating to the theme “Feet in the water, head in the movies.”
Short film entries must be posted online on the the Annecy Festival’s Dailymotion channel between December 20, 2012 and midnight March 31, 2013.
Internet users will vote for the 10 finalists between April 1 and midnight, May 15, 2013, and a special jury of animation industry professionals will then select three prize winners between May 16 and 19.
First prize is a six day, six night trip to the International Animation Film Festival in Annecy, June 10 - 15, 2013, including a screening of the winning film and a year’s subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud. Second and third prize winners will receive Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 and Adobe Premiere Elements 11 software and festival + Mifa accreditation.
Additional information on rules and regulations can be found here.
Source: Annecy International Animation Film Festival