Canadian independent animation studio AurenyA Entertainment has completed production on the 3D animated half-hour television special, THE ELFKINS FIRST CHRISTMAS. Produced in partnership with Dinosaur Soup Productions, Beaver Creek Creations and Independent Moving Pictures, the show tells the tale of the Elfkins, mythic creatures who live in a parallel universe. When they learn of the existence of human children, the Elfkins discover the true meaning of Christmas. AurenyA is exploring the idea of developing the show into a feature-length direct-to-video special. "Were excited about the response weve received from advance audiences and our broadcasters," said AurenyA CEO Colin Curwen. "The contributions made by our artists and animators have resulted in a concept that has substantial licensing and spin-off potential." According to COO Dave Bolink, the small Calgary-based studio worked for over a year on a tight budget to complete the project. The animation was created using Alias|Wavefronts Maya software and AurenyA's proprietary character rigging and animation software tool, Gesture. THE ELFKINS FIRST CHRISTMAS is scheduled for national broadcast in Canada on December 25, 2002. AurenyA Entertainment is based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and creates 3D animated content for television, film and interactive entertainment.