Colorfront Releases color*star

India-based company Colorfront has announced the release of their high-end colour correction tool color*star. color*star is the industry's first plug-in for digital film grading, advanced selective colour correction and creative look-creation running on Discreet's high-end visual effects and editing systems. The plug-in currently runs on inferno*, flame*, flint*, effect* on O2, fire* and smoke* systems from Discreet. Colorfront has recognized the convergence of film, HDTV and video to the 1080p/24 Universal Mastering solution and have standardized color*star's workflow in this format. color*star will be demonstrated at NAB at the Discreet booth and Colorfront is offering a 25% discount to customers who choose to purchase before April 30, 2000.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
