Lost Pencil Animation Studios, Inc. is offering a new training CD in the "Just Animate" Lightwave series, which focuses on Character Animation for games and game creation. Using Lightwave 7.5, the CD shows users how to create a number of character game loops (walk, run, jump, stand and death), and export the Lightwave model and animations into the GameStudio game engine, where a small game level is created. Included on the CD is a demo version of the Conitec GameStudio game engine and level editor and the export plug-in for Lightwave, which allows users to export Lightwave 7.5 model and animations into GameStudio. A fully rigged character called "Jack Napalm," created by Christophe Desse, is included along with two other models (one fully rigged and the other ready for rigging). The two CD set is available for an introductory price of US$19.99. For more information or to order the CD, visit www.lostpencil.com.