Design Studios, a training, production, and research-based animation studio, is in negotiations with the state government in Hyderabad to open a National School of Animation (NSA), according to CYBER INDIA ONLINE. If approved, the academy would be one of the largest animation houses in Asia. Besides the government, Design Studios is in talks with big companies to help fund the academy.
Akella Adarsh, director, Design Studios said, It's going to be roughly around Rs 500 crore. It is not just about building the largest facility; rather the focus will be on high-end infrastructure, resources that we offer, etc. The animation house will have various courses including media management, animation management, material services division, cinematography, etc.
The company believes it will take two to three years to complete and start operations.
While there are numerous private training institutes they largely focus on technical training and are oriented towards software that aid in production. But training in artistic content is what is required in this field that can nurture an animator's growth curve further, said Adarsh.
Design Studios offers long-term and short-term courses in visualization, animation, simulation and special effects. It has also introduced a three-year program covering concepts like Graphic Representation Techniques, Theory of Art and Culture, Principles of Animation and electives such as Photography, Cinematography, etc.