Digital Musings From the Editor:

VFXWorld continues its informative coverage this month of non-entertainment 3D advancements with "3D Visualization in Education." Mary Ann Skweres uncovers the rapid rise of 3D animation as a valuable teaching tool throughout educational institutions - paving the way for all kinds of scientific and engineering breakthroughs. Then, later in the week, Bruce Shutan discovers "The Real CSI and Beyond" in his examination of vfx artists and animators specializing in the hot field of forensics and medical science.

Meanwhile, in terms of movie coverage, Alain Bielik discovers the digital truth behind the robot revolution in I, ROBOT, and, on Friday, Gerard Raiti claws his way through the CATWOMAN vfx, where apparently there's more eye candy than Halle Berry to gaze at.

Bill DesowitzEditor

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
