DOONESBURY creator creates animated internet video for NETAID

San Francisco-based Protozoa, with DotComix, the animation portal, has produced a 3D animated rock video for Internetbroadcast with Garry Trudeau and his JT Thudpucker character from theDOONESBURY comic strip for NetAid, a UN sponsored global crusade againstpoverty. The video features JT singing a NetAid anthem, and debuts onWednesday, September 29 at Trudeau has integrated thepremiere of the Internet video within the plot of his daily Doonesburystrip. Using their proprietary performance animation technology (also knownas motion capture), Protozoa worked closely with Trudeau to produce thestreaming 3D animation. NetAid is the first live event to bring togetherthe Internet, television, radio, and online animation to fight poverty. Theevent will take place on October 9 with shows in Geneva, London and NewYork with live Internet broadcast at