The animated preschool series, about curious and fun-loving Kelp, who has always believed he was a narwhal until he finds out he’s not, comes to the streamer next month.
DreamWorks Animation has shared key art and a trailer for its upcoming Netflix 3DCG animated preschool series, Not Quite Narwhal, based on the New York Times bestseller of the same name by Jessie Sima. The story follows a curious and fun-loving Kelp who has always believed he was a narwhal – until one day, he discovers he’s really a unicorn. The series streams June 19.
Co-executive producers Brian K. Roberts, Nakia Trower Shuman, and Sarah Katin shared, “This is a show with a ton of personality, adventure, and laughs, but, at its core, it’s about celebrating not only Kelp’s unique differences but all our unique differences. Because, just like him, we’ve all got a little unicorn in us. We hope Kelp brings as much joy and fun into your lives as he has to ours. We are delighted to share with you… Not Quite Narwhal, the animated series.”
In the series, even though he’s always been a bit different, Kelp had always assumed he was a narwhal, just like the rest of his underwater family. Then, one day he gets swept to land by a strong ocean current and discovers a creature who looks just like him. A UNICORN! So many things suddenly make sense. But rather than choosing to be just a unicorn, Kelp embraces being both a narwhal and his newly discovered unicorn identity. Juggling his day-to-day life, Kelp learns how to navigate his two worlds: the ocean and land.
Watch the trailer:
The voice cast includes Nevin Kar, Lucy Lowe, Ryan Lopez, Scarlett Kate Ferguson, Sasha Knight, and Mixie Chen.
Source: DreamWorks Animation