In the all-new season of the animated series set 1,300 years after the events of the ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ franchise, someone is mining Dragonsite and putting dragons in harm's way, and Tom and the Riders have to figure out the culprit; 7 new episodes hit Hulu and Peacock June 15.
DreamWorks Animation has just released a new trailer for Dragons: The Nine Realms Season 6, inspired by the popular How to Train Your Dragon franchise. Seven all-new episodes hit Hulu and Peacock June 15.
The show is set 1,300 years after the events of How to Train Your Dragon, in modern times when dragons are thought to be just a legend. When a geological anomaly opens an immense, miles-deep fissure in the Earth’s surface, scientists gather together from around the world. An unlikely group of misfit kids, brought to the site by their parents, discover the truth about dragons and where they’ve been hiding -- a secret they must keep to themselves to protect what they’ve found.
According to the studio, in the new season, now that the dragon secret has been revealed to ICARIS, having rambunctious dragons in town is a big adjustment for everyone, especially Tom as he struggles to maintain peace and live up to his legacy as the Dragon Whisperer. The Riders discover a new Giant Realm that changes their perspective as they meet some of the biggest dragons in the Hidden World. Someone is mining Dragonsite and putting dragons in harm's way and Tom and the Riders have to figure out who it is, and Buzzsaw goes all in, targeting Thunder with his most nefarious plot yet, one that puts our loveable hero dragon's very life in jeopardy.
Check out the Season 6 Trailer:
The voice cast features Jeremy Shada as Tom Kullersen; Ashley Liao as Jun Wong; Marcus Scribner as D’Angelo Baker; Aimee Garcia as Alexandra Gonzalez; Julia Stiles as Olivia Kullersen; Lauren Tom as May Wong; Haley Joel Osment as Buzzsaw; and Vincent Tong as Eugene.
Produced by DreamWorks Animation, John Tellegen is executive producer and showrunner. The supervising producer is Beth Sleven.
Source: DreamWorks Animation
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.