Film Roman Commercials, a division of Film Roman, has added five new directors to their growing roster of talent. The new directors are Aaron Augenblick, who has produced a wide variety of animated works for PBS, MTV, Nickelodeon and AT&T; Joe Russo and Aaron White, whose retro-classic styles were last seen in a parody of policy trailers created for the opening credits of the feature film RUN RONNIE, RUN!; Divya Srinivasan, who recently completed work on Richard Linklaters WAKING LIFE; and filmmakers Jeff Drew and Nina Paley, whose short films, WALK and FETCH, respectively, were award-winners in the DIRECTV LEVEL13.NET Animated Film Festival. Film Roman has been producing commercials for the past ten years and has recently launched a dedicated unit for special project production, including commercials, music videos, Internet animation and corporate branding.