Final Speakers Confirmed for UK CGI Festival

The inaugural UK CGI Festival announced its final speakers participating at the two shows scheduled for Nov. 9-10, 2004, in Leeds (at the Royal Amouries Museum) and Dec. 7-8 in London (at the Business Design Centre).

The focus will be on educational and practical approaches to both CGI techniques and technologies. Workshops and masterclasses will be lead by top talent. In addition, award-winning animated films developed in Europe will be showcased, and there will be an expo featuring the latest tools and techniques.

The Leeds show will include:* A Keynote presentation on the HELLBOY pipeline by Blair Clark of Tippett Studios* A keynote masterclass on digital armies for the making of crowd scenes in TROY (utilizing the proprietary ALICE software) by Gary Bronzenich, CG supervisor with Moving Picture Co.* A masterclass on LightWave 8 for the 3D development and DFX + 4 and Photoshop for compositing a Dragonfly in flight by Ben Smith, director, Red Star Studios* A presentation on virtual history creating exact replicas of the faces of actual historical figures in CG from THE SECRET PLOT TO KILL HITLER by Jim Radford, creative head of 3D, Moving Picture Co.* A games presentation on squeezing normal maps into a next generation art pipeline by Jolyon Webb, Codemasters* A keynote presentation on how to launch 1,000 ships in TROY by Andrew Chapman, Framestore CFC* A keynote masterclass on the making of the Adidas Ad by Alistair Hearson, Glassworks* A games masterclass on fundamentals of visual game animation by Robert Coddington, lead animator, Electronic Arts* A Showreel Surgery presentation by Shelley Page, DreamWorks, showing how to fine tune your showreels* A keynote masterclass on artificial intelligence for crowd animation (using Playstation MOUNTAIN) by Jordi Bares, The Mill* endorphin presentation by Torsten Reil, NaturalMotion, discussing how AI and dynamics simulation create 3D character animation in realtime* Softimage masterclass by James Rogers* A keynote masterclass on HALF-LIFE 2 by James Rogers* A VFX Quiz with Robert Coddington, Electronic Arts; Torsten Reil, Natural Motion; Ben Smith, Redstar Studios; and Quizmaster Jim Thacker, editor 3D World

The London Show will include:* A keynote presentation on CHICKEN LITTLE by Walt Disney reps* A keynote masterclass on SHARK TALE by Mark Wendell, effects supervisor, DreamWorks* A presentation on producing VALIANT by Tom Jacomb, producer, Vanguard Animation* A presentation on creating a mythical frozen world for KING ARTHUR by Matt Johnson, Cinesite* A keynote masterclass on HALF-LIFE 2 by a Softimage rep* A masterclass on LightWave 8 for the 3D development and DFX + 4 and Photoshop for compositing a Dragonfly in flight by Ben Smith, director, Red Star Studios* A games masterclass on THE MEDAL OF HONOR pipeline by Scott Easley, lead animator, Electronic Arts* A Showreel Surgery presentation by Shelley Page, DreamWorks, showing how to fine tune your showreels* A keynote masterclass on digital armies for the making of crowd scenes in TROY (utilizing the proprietary ALICE software) by Gary Bronzenich, CG supervisor with Moving Picture Co.* A keynote masterclass on THE INCREDIBLES by Pixar reps* A keynote masterclass on HALF-LIFE 2 by James Rogers* An Eye Candy session by Shelley Page, DreamWorks* A keynote masterclass on artificial intelligence for crowd animation (using Playstation MOUNTAIN) by Jordi Bares, The Mill* A keynote presentation on how to launch 1,000 ships in TROY by Andrew Chapman, Framestore CFC* A presentation on virtual history creating exact replicas of the faces of actual historical figures in CG from THE SECRET PLOT TO KILL HITLER by Jim Radford, creative head of 3D, Moving Picture Co.* A Vfx Quiz

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Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.