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First Trailer for Pokémon Live-Action ‘Fill Your Pocket with Adventure’

The original series, based on the Pokémon ‘Red’ and Pokémon ‘Green’ games, stars Nanase Nishino and premieres on TV Tokyo October 19.

A trailer has just dropped for the upcoming TV Tokyo and The Pokémon Company live-action series Fill Your Pocket with Adventure (Pocket ni Bōken wo Tsumekonde),  based on the Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green games.

Nanase Nishino stars as Madoka Akagi, a girl in Tokyo working at a soul-crushing advertising agency and struggling to fulfill her dream of becoming a content creator. When her mother sends her a package of her old stuff, including a copy of Pokémon Red, everything changes. No word yet on if Pokémon creatures actually appear in the show.

Check out the first trailer for Fill Your Pocket with Adventure, courtesy of Serebii, now:

For fans who need a quicker fix, catch the new anime Pokémon Horizons, streaming now on Pokémon TV, and the web series Pokémon: Paldean Winds  on the official Pokémon YouTube channel.

Fill Your Pocket with Adventure premiers on TV Tokyo on October 19, BS TV Tokyo and TV Tokyo 4K on October 24, and streams on U-NEXT.

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Journalist, antique shop owner, aspiring gemologist—L'Wren brings a diverse perspective to animation, where every frame reflects her varied passions.