“Exoids,” the new animated short film from Gnomon Studios, is now online.
Exoids, the new animated short film from Gnomon Studios, is now online! Exoids follows the octane-fueled adventures of the nomadic desert slug Gus Nitrous on his search for precious water. The story takes a dangerous turn as Gus ventures into the Exoids-occupied city of Los Angeles, culminating in a high-speed desert car chase that ends with an epic showdown.
Gnomon Studios prepares advanced Gnomon students for their professional careers by giving them the opportunity to work on projects in a studio environment under the guidance of actual production professionals. Through projects like Exoids, Gnomon students are able to take on various roles of a production team in a studio environment, thus coming away with an advanced form of training and experience to leverage when pursuing opportunities in the entertainment art and visual effects industries.
Gnomon Studios' official blog: www.gnomonstudios.com
Exoids official page: www.exoids.com
Source: Gnomon School of Visual Effects