Netflix’s upcoming animated series, based on Riot’s popular MOBA game ‘League of Legends,’ is set in a utopian region of Piltover and the oppressed underground of Zaun, following the origins of two ‘League’ champions.
Netflix has just revealed some legendary content: Arcane, the upcoming animated series based on Riot’s wildly popular MOBA game League of Legends, now has a teaser trailer.
Watch a sneak peak of Jinx and Vi blowing stuff up in the official Arcane announcement:
According to Netflix, Arcane is set in a utopian region of Piltover and the oppressed underground of Zaun, following the origins of two League champions and the power that will tear them apart. The two cities are located on the continent of Runeterra, where League of Legends (and the spinoff card game Legends of Runeterra) is set.
“League of Legends has inspired global fervor and fandom and we’re thrilled to be the home of the first television series set in this universe, Arcane,” Dominique Bazay, Director of Original Animation for Netflix, said in a statement. “The series promises to be a visually spectacular thrill ride that will have viewers on the edge of their seats.”
Arcane streams on Netflix this coming Fall.