The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, announces its Key Dates for the upcoming awards season, with the 41st Annual Annie Awards ceremony set for Saturday, February 1, 2014.
BURBANK, CA -- The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, announced its Key Dates for the upcoming awards season. The 41st Annual Annie Awards ceremony is set for Saturday, February 1, 2014. Location to be announced shortly. Call for Entries will begin on Monday, September 2, 2013, with complete Rules and Category information to be posted on the official Annies website this summer.
“We are going to try a few new things this year, as far as the ceremony goes,” says Frank Gladstone, president of ASIFA-Hollywood. “Our goal is to make sure that the audience, either in the theatre or watching the streaming broadcast, has a more elegant, streamlined and fun experience.”
Entries submitted for consideration will be from productions that were released in the United States between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013. The deadline to join ASIFA-Hollywood or to renew membership in order to participate in the Annie Award voting is Monday, November 4, 2013.
ASIFA-Hollywood is the world’s first and foremost professional organization dedicated to promoting the Art of Animation and celebrating the people who create it. Today, ASIFA-Hollywood, the largest chapter of the international organization ASIFA, supports a range of animation activities and preservation efforts through its membership. Current initiatives include the Animation Archive, Animation Aid Foundation, animated film preservation, special events, classes and screenings. Created in 1972 by veteran voice talent June Foray, the Annie Awards have grown in scope and stature for the past four decades.
September 2, 2013 Call for Entries
October 25, 2013 Deadline to receive Annie Award entries and materials
November 4, 2013 Deadline to renew or join ASIFA-Hollywood to be able to participate in the Annie Award voting
December 2, 2013 Annie Award Nominations announced
December 9, 2013 Deadline to reserve an ad or become an Annies Sponsor
December 13, 2013 Materials for Annie Awards ballot and ceremony due
January 3, 2014 Online Balloting Begins
January 3, 2014 Bios, photos for Annie Awards Program Book due
January 13, 2014 Deadline to receive Sponsor advertising artwork
January 20, 2014 Deadline to cast Annie ballots
February 1, 2014 41st Annie Awards
Source: ASIFA-Hollywood