Kino releases Brothers Quay

New York-based Kino on Video is releasingtwo Brothers Quay videos. THE BROTHERS QUAY COLLECTION: TEN ASTONISHINGSHORT FILMS 1984-1993 includes THE CABINET OF JAN SVANKMAJER, THE EPIC OFGILGAMESH OR THIS UNNAMEABLE LITTLE BROOM, STREET OF CROCODILES, REHEARSALSFOR EXTINCT ANATOMIES, DRAMOLET (STILLE NACHT I), THE COMB (FROM THEMUSEUMS OF SLEEP), DE ARTIFICALI PERSPECTIVA OR ANAMORPHOSIS, ARE WE STILLMARRIED? (STILLE NACHT II), TALES FROM THE VIENNA WOODS (STILLE NACHT III),and CAN'T GO WRONG WITHOUT YOU (STILLE NACHT IV). Only DRAMOLET has neverbeen released on video, but these films have never been available togetherat such a reasonable price. The tape retails in the US for $24.95. Alsobeing released by Kino is INSTITUTE BENJAMENTA OR THIS DREAM PEOPLE CALLHUMAN LIFE, the Brothers' first feature. Although it is primarilylive-action, and includes only a little animation, the style of this filmabout a decaying boarding school is reminiscent of their animated films.The retail price is US$79.95, but the price will probably be reduced nextspring to $24.95. The US street date for both titles is September 14, 1999.