Now available in the AWN Store is a 70 minute collection of shorts byaward-wining Estonian animator Priit Parn. Since making his first film, "Isthe Earth Round" (1977), animator, illustrator, and artist Priit Parn hasevolved into one of the most influential animation artists in the world.His films are routinely invited to animation festivals where they have wonseveral major awards. Included in volume 1 of an extensive series examiningthe history of Estonian animation are: "And Plays Tricks" (1979), "SomeExercises in Preparation for An Independent Life" (1981), and two of themasterworks of animation: the groundbreaking "Breakfast on The Grass"(1988), a savage critique of Soviet life, and "Hotel E" (made on the eve ofEstonian independence), an indictment of the hypocrisies of both Easternand Western systems. This exclusive video is available in US and Canada for$29.95 plus shipping and handling.