The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences awarded the Emmy in the categoryfor outstanding animated programs up to an hour in length to Fox's KING OFTHE HILL ("And They Call It Bobby Love"). In winning its first Emmy in thiscategory, KING OF THE HILL beat out fellow Fox toons THE SIMPSONS, FUTURAMAand THE PJS as well as Cartoon Network's THE POWERPUFF GIRLS. HBO's TODDMCFARLANE'S SPAWN took the honor for outstanding animated program over anhour. UPN's DILBERT won the award for main title design. The Emmy foroutstanding individual achievement in animation went to Ashley Potter,background artist on ANIMATED EPICS: THE CANTERBURY TALES: LEAVING LONDON,(NUN'S PRIEST'S TALES); Les Mills, color direction on ANIMATED EPICS: THECANTERBURY TALES: LEAVING LONDON, (WIFE OF BATH'S TALE); and Joanna Quinn,production designer and animator on ANIMATED EPICS: THE CANTERBURY TALES:LEAVING LONDON, (WIFE OF BATH'S TALE). The Emmy for outstanding voice-overperformance went to Ja'net DuBois, who plays Mrs. Avery, for Fox's THE PJS.The trophies were handed out Saturday, August 28 at the Pasadena CivicAuditorium in Pasadena, California.