The shortlisted Oscars entry, a collection of short films by 22 Palestinian filmmakers living in Gaza that blends animation, documentary, and fiction, hits U.S. theaters on January 3.
Watermelon Pictures has announced that filmmaker Michael Moore (Bowling for Columbine, Fahrenheit 9/11) has joined the production team of From Ground Zero as an executive producer. The film was shortlisted for the 97th Academy Awards in the Best International Feature Film category.
From Ground Zero is a collection of short films by 22 Palestinian filmmakers living in present-day Gaza, told through a blend of animation, documentary, and fiction.
“These Palestinian filmmakers have accomplished a cinematic miracle,” said Moore. “It's an honor to stand in solidarity with them and help share their stories with the world.”
“The team is both humbled and thrilled to be shortlisted,” said director Rashid Masharawi. “With Michael Moore's involvement, we are even more empowered to portray the humanity and resilience of Palestinians, share their creativity with the world, and showcase the power of cinema as a force for justice and understanding.”
From Ground Zero releases in U.S. theaters January 3, 2025.
Source: Watermelon Pictures