Walt Disney Animation Studios’ new compilation, including ‘Steamboat Willie,’ which first introduced Mickey Mouse, along with ‘Brave Little Tailor,’ ‘Mickey’s Delayed Date,’ ‘Hawaiian Holiday,’ ‘On Ice,’ and 5 others, comes to Blu-ray and DVD February 7.
In celebration of their 100th anniversary, Walt Disney Animation Studios has planned a series of special releases, starting with Mickey & Minnie 10 Classic Shorts – Volume 1 arriving on Blu-ray and DVD February 7. This new legacy collection includes 10 classic animated shorts, each with an all-new introduction from Mickey and Minnie.
Included in the compilation is the iconic Steamboat Willie, the first cartoon with synchronized sound, that featured the debut of Mickey Mouse as a deckhand on a riverboat commanded by the tyrannical Captain Pete. Brave Little Tailor features Mickey as a medieval tailor given a daunting task. In Mickey’s Delayed Date, the tardy mouse relies on his faithful pup Pluto to get him to a dance with Minnie. Hawaiian Holiday finds Mickey and his pals vacationing on a beautiful island. Then along with friends, Mickey and Minnie glide through a romantic date on a frozen river in On Ice. Catch five more delightful stories in this 83-minute collection.
Source: Walt Disney Animation Studios