Popular animated superhero ‘BoBoiBoy’ costars with a 3D-animated version of Malaysia's Director General of Health, Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, in ‘CAPP: The Power to Fight COVID-19;’ the video has garnered almost 700,000 views across various platforms.
Monsta's popular animated superhero BoBoiBoy is teaming up with Malaysia's Director General of Health, Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah in a new public service announcement. The video, titled CAPP: The Power to Fight COVID-19 stars a 3D-animated version of the doctor as he shares an important message for everyone.
The PSA video reminds viewers that they don’t need superpowers to defeat COVID-19; anyone can be a superhero as long as they practice CAPP (Cegah, Amal, Patuh, Pantau). The CAPP guideline was introduced by the Ministry of Health, which represents the concepts of early prevention, practicing of new norms, compliance with SOPs, and monitoring of health status.
Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham, the leading figure in Malaysia’s fight against the pandemic, is hailed by many as a Malaysian hero for his efforts at calming and informing the public during the COVID-19 crisis. After the video was uploaded, CAPP: The Power to Fight COVID-19 immediately went viral on social media with almost 700,000 views across various platforms, and 50,000 Retweets through BoBoiBoy’s, MOH’s, and other Twitter accounts.
The video has garnered a tremendous amount of positive responses from media outlets, popular blogs, influential icons, and netizens. Monsta has been praised for their creative approach in bringing together their popular animated superheroes with a real-life Malaysian hero to remind the country to work together as one and break the chain of COVID-19 infection.
Source: Monsta