have launched another artwork and animation contest, "Red, White, and Who?" Focusing on the funny aspects of the political arena, "Red, White, and Who?" invites artists and animators worldwide to upload their political creations and share in a little positive reprieve from this year's election battlefield between Republicans John McCain and Sarah Palin and Democrats Joe Biden and Barack Obama.
"Politics are a serious business and one that should be closely monitored and constantly questioned," said Paul Ford, president and co-founder of "Of course, there's no reason that we can't do what animators do best and have a little fun while we keep those politicians in check! Bust out your best impressions and most-biting sarcasm, and help spread comical consciousness!"
Members are invited to enter by uploading their artwork or animation and tagging it as "Funny Political Cartoons." Winning artwork and animations will be featured in the MyToons blog, and winning animations will also stream from the Funny Political Cartoons Channel on the homepage from October 10 through November 4. Judges will elect the top 10 funny political cartoons and these animations will be featured in a Top 10 Funny Political Cartoons blog and channel, streaming November 5 through December 31.
The "Red, White, and Who?" artwork and animation contest is now up, and runs through Election Day on November 4. The Funny Political Cartoons Channel will be available October 10 through November 4, and the Top 10 Funny Political Cartoons Channel will be available on the homepage from November 5 through December 31. For more information, visit the MyToons blog, The Animation Snack.