Launches Toons for Tots, has launched its latest artwork and animation challenge, Toons for Tots.

In the celebratory spirit of the upcoming holidays, the Toons for Tots challenge calls for artists to submit their holiday-inspired creations for the chance to have a donation made in their name to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. Both new and old works are welcome, and artists are invited to share every holiday inspiration, from Hanukkah cartoons to New Year's e-cards. will be accepting submissions through January 1, from which the top 10 entrants will have a significant contribution made in their name to the charitable foundation the Marine Toys for Tots. Members are invited to enter by uploading their holiday inspired artwork or animation to MyToons and tagging them "holiday cartoons."

Selected artwork and animation will be featured daily on the MyToons blog, The Animation Snack, as well as being featured on the homepage.
