Nelvana announces new personnel

Nelvana Communications has announced several key personnel changes. STEVEGALLOWAY has been recruited for Vice President of Development for NelvanaCommunications. He comes from Universal Studios/Music Group where he servedfor eight years as Vice President Longform Programming & Production. Hewill be responsible for overseeing the development of Nelvana's newanimated series for television.

DAVID HARLESTON has been named Vice President of Business and Legal Affairsfor Nelvana Communications. He was formerly General Counsel for CarterEntertainment Group, Senior Vice President for MCA Records, and Presidentof DEF JAM Recordings, Inc. He will be responsible for the business andlegal affairs for Nelvana's television, film, and video development andsales.

KRISTIN HAWLEY has been promoted to Manager of Television and Video Salesand Longform Development for Nelvana Communications. She was previouslyDevelopment Coordinator, and joined Nelvana as an intern while attendingUSC's Cinema and Television School's Peter Stark Producing Program.