New Jobs: Animators, Directors, Producers, Instructors And More...

Lombard, Illinois' Big Idea Productions, a family media company now branching out into feature films, is looking for a LIGHTING ARTIST, RENDERER and TD/SOFTWARE DEVELOPER. . . London, UK's Cubicspace Studios Limited, developers of real-time technologies for the real estate industry, is looking for a 3D CHARACTER MODELLER/ANIMATOR. . . Ottawa, Ontario, Canada's Dynomight Productions, a full-service animation studio creating original content for global entertainment properties, is looking for a DIRECTOR, LINE PRODUCER and PRODUCER for their upcoming slate of proprietary television series. . . Boston, Massachussetts' Gibbs Boston, an animation program specializing in 3D animation and FX, is looking for a MAYA INSTRUCTOR. . . Hollywood, California's I. Magus Productions is looking for a VISUAL EFFECTS SUPERVISOR/ARTIST for a live-action short film to be shot on HD. . . Chennai, Tamilnadu, India's Skynet Communications Limited is looking for a GRAPHIC DESIGNER. . . Culver City, California's Space Bass Films, a stop-motion animation studio, is looking for an INTERN to perform various office duties. . . Los Angeles, California's TONKIN STUDIO is looking for an ILLUSTRATOR ASSISTANT/APPRENTICE for a game project. . . Trivandrum, Kerala, India's Toonz Animation India Private Limited is looking for a DIGITAL INK & PAINT CONSULTANT and HEAD OF DEVELOPMENT. . . A freelance software engineer based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, is looking for an ANIMATOR/ARTIST to help build tutorials using FLASH. . . Los Angeles, California's Vinyl Battle Productions Limited is looking for a LIGHTWAVE ANIMATOR for a short independent film shot on super 16mm. This is an unpaid position.

For more information about these and other jobs, check out AWN's Career Connections, the online Animation Job Fair.