New This Week At Animation World Magazine

Animation World Magazine has a brand new look and a brand newpublishing schedule: we're now publishing every week! No longermonthly, Animation World Magazine is now updated each and every weekwith the same thoughtful and comprehensive coverage of the animationindustry you've come to expect on the first of every month. We'respreading our special features and theme-based articles across theentire month. This month we are focusing on RECRUITING AND JOBS. Wealso offer three articles on animation in Australia. We are lookingat DreamWorks' new comedy "Shrek." Brett Rogers is Also, look for Will Ryan's new column, "9 1/2Questions," plus our regular columns and film & event reviews.

New articles this week:

- On Co-Directing Shrek: Victoria Jenson

DreamWorks' next CG animated feature is soon to hit theatersnationwide. Chris Koseluk sits down with Victoria Jenson anddiscusses working with superstar comedians and the latest intechnology.

- The Magic Pudding: Making A Feature In Oz, by Stephen Lynch

Stephen Lynch interviews Robbert Smit, one of Australia's mostexperienced directors, on Energee Entertainment's latest feature andthe trials and rewards of making a film in Oz.

- The Career Coach: Resumes That Work, by Pamela Kleibrink Thompson

In today's competitive animation job market, make sure your marketingmaterials are current so you can stay competitive too. Here are sometips on how to craft a resume that will help you get the job you want.
