Ridley Scott, Robert Rodriguez In I'VE SEEN FILMS Jury

I'VE SEEN FILMS International Short Film Festival 2008 will feature Ridley Scott (ALIEN, BLADE RUNNER, THELMA & LOUISE, GLADIATOR, AMERICAN GANGSTER), Robert Rodriguez (EL MARIACHI, ONCE UPON A TIME IN MEXICO, SIN CITY, GRINDHOUSE PLANET TERROR) and Maestro Ludovico Einaudi (DIARIO MALI, UNA MATTINA, LE ONDE, LA SCALA CONCERT, EDEN ROC, TIME OUT) as members of its International Jury.

The deadline to submit short films is March 17, 2008.

I'VE SEEN FILMS and its founder, the international artist Rutger Hauer, announced that the First Edition will be held from September 22 to 26, 2008 in Milan, Italy.

The festival is linked to the online "Tiscali InShort" contest.

During the awards evening, Hauer will present the awards to the winning authors.

Submission forms, call for entry document and complete information regarding eligibility and entry rules and regulations are available at: www.icfilms.org or www.rutgerhauer.org/icfilms.