CG-animated preschool series in production in Superprod’s and Muse Entertainment’s studios for France Televisions and Canada’s Télé-Québec, TFO, Knowledge Network and BBC Kids is set to premiere at MIP Junior.
PARIS, FRANCE – Superights announced that Superprod and Muse Entertainment studios are currently in production on Wubby School (52x11’), a social-development series for preschoolers. The series is being developed for France Televisions and Canada’s Télé-Québec, TFO, Knowledge Network and BBC Kids. The series has garnered additional interest and both VRT (Belgium) and Discovery Kids (Latin America) have joined the pre-buyers’ club. Wubby School will premiere at MIP Junior.
“Worldwide reaction to Wubby School has been extremely positive since the very early development stage. We are eagerly looking forward to sharing the first episodes of this fun, cute and good values-oriented series next October,” commented Morgann Favennec, Deputy MD in charge of international sales & acquisitions.
In Wubby School, by simply pushing the rainbow button, five-year-old Helen walks into the magic world of Wubby School where her dream to be a teacher comes true. But her class is not ordinary since Wubby School is the only school for toys! Altogether, the little girl and her unruly students will discover how helping and listening to each other is the best way to learn.
Source: Superights