The CG animated film, which follows a busker and his cat, won Best Kids Animation; Warner Bros. Discovery’s animated series aimed at solving the greatest mystery in the universe nabbed the Kids: Factual & Entertainment award.
Magic Light Pictures’ CG animated film Tabby McTat has won the award for Best Kids Animation at the 52nd International Emmy Awards.
The film, based on the books by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, follows the adventures of a London busker, Fred, and his adorable singing cat Tabby, who have to find each other after they are unexpectedly separated. The project first launched on BBC One and BBC iPlayer on Christmas Day 2023.
Michael Rose, co-founder and Joint CEO of Magic Light Pictures, stated, “We are elated to have won a fifth International Emmy Award for Tabby McTat, which is a tribute to the brilliant creative efforts of our directors, cast and crew, and the magnificent support of the BBC and ZDF. It’s a privilege to create high quality films for children and families globally and we’re grateful to all our broadcast partners around the world.”
Animated series La Vida Secreta de tu Mente (The Secret Life of Your Mind), from Warner Bros. Discovery and Pictoline, with animation by Mighty Animation, won the Kids: Factual & Entertainment award. In the series, Ceri attempts to solve the greatest mystery in the universe: why you are the way you are.
On the live-action side, Liebes Kind/Dear Child (VFX by Netflix and Pharos-The Post Group) won best TV Movie/Mini-Series, while División Palermo/Community Squad (VFX by Rojo Studio) won Best Comedy.
Source: The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences