From September 22 to 26, the 1999 Cartoon Forum will be welcoming 620participants, among which will be Animation World Network's own RonDiamond, in Cordoba, Spain. This record attendance shows that this event,organized over the last 10 years with support from the European Union Mediaprogram, has been established as an important industry event. This yearsixty-nine projects seeking partners will be offered to potential investorsand producers. Over 150 projects initiated at the Forum in previous yearshave been produced and broadcast within the past ten years. This"Coproductions Forum" is organized every year in a different country withthe purpose of promoting local production and closely involving both publicauthorities and national broadcasters. Among this year's projects beingoffered are RABBITS from Aardmann, LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE from PicassoPictures, and THE GREENMANS and THE WORLD OF TOSH, both from Sweden's HappyLife Corporation. The Cartoon d'Or will be awarded on Saturday, September25. The six nominees are: L'ARME DU CROCODILE by Eric Blesin, EL CARMINANTEby Debra Smith, JOLLY ROGER by Mark Baker, MIGRATION by Constantin Chamski,LE CYCLOPE DE LA MER by Philippe Julien and SALTKVERNEN by Pjotr Sapegin.