The new channel follows the recently announced expansion of its platform entertainment business, with Zee Entertainment’s Mukund Cairae tapped to head new SBU Toonz Media Networks.
Toonz Media Group has launched a kids television channel in Indonesia; the 24x7 pay TV channel “Toons Kids” is now available on Indonesia’s leading satellite TV network Transvision. The bilingual channel, which began airing November 14, will include shows in both Bahasa and English and targets kids ages 4 to 12. This is the media company’s first television channel in Asia.
“Indonesia has a fast-growing kids entertainment industry and we felt it would be the best place to launch the expansion of our platform entertainment business,” commented Toonz Media Group CEO P. Jayakumar. “We will be banking on Toonz’s 22-year-old legacy in the industry and our strong multi-genre library with 1000+ hours of content. Toonz Kids will bring this world class content to kids and families in Indonesia, dubbed in native Bahasa.”
Toonz announced expansion of its platform entertainment business in October with the formation of its new SBU Toonz Media Networks. The company has brought on board former Zee Entertainment chief operating officer Mukund Cairae to head SBU. The company plans to launch television channels in other emerging kids’ television markets including Malaysia, Singapore, and MENA (Middle East & North Africa). The company already operates kids channels in select global territories
‘’It is a pleasure for us to be the first platform to launch Toonz Kids channel in Indonesia,” shared Transvision sales and marketing director Brando Tengdom. “This is the 1st International kids’ channel fully dubbed in Bahasa Indonesia.”
“Indonesia has the largest television market and the 2nd largest pay TV market in South-East Asia,” added Cairae. “The country has around 67 million homes and a TV penetration of 64%, which translates to around 42 million TV homes.”
“We will be actively pursuing content partnerships to co-create premium content, including e-Sports, to engage the tweens and teens besides the kids’ audience category,” continued Cairae. “Cloud broadcasting and live TV streaming company Amagi is the playout and transmission partner for Toonz Kids.
Toonz’s presence in the digital media space includes a robust YouTube ecosystem comprising of 18 YouTube channels and 18 million plus subscribers. Earlier this year the company launched its own OTT platform MyToonz. Toonz also has content syndication partnerships with top kids’ VOD platforms including Roku, Kidoodle, Amazon Prime, and Pluto TV.
Source: Toonz Media Group