Animated Exeter has launched two new bursaries for Devon. The Honeycomb Animation 2D Bursary 2006 is set up to encourage new talent in 2D animation and the Phoenix Media Digital Animation Bursary 2006 is aimed at supporting new and existing talent and develop the overall practice of digital media in the region.
Both bursaries include £1000 cash towards direct costs of the production and £500 in-kind support for professional mentoring from either the Honeycomb or Exeter Phoenix Media teams during production and some in-house facilities. The films will be finished to the highest professional standard and showcased at the Animated Exeter 2007. In order to qualify for the bursary, applicants must be a resident of Devon and be prepared to produce the finished animations within six months of the original submission.
Deadline for both bursaries is 31 March 2006. Further info and application forms are available on