Craig Allen leaves Disney for Jim Henson Interactive
CRAIG ALLEN has been named general manager of JIM HENSON INTERACTIVE. He was formerly a senior producer at DISNEY INTERACTIVE.
CRAIG ALLEN has been named general manager of JIM HENSON INTERACTIVE. He was formerly a senior producer at DISNEY INTERACTIVE.
JEFF WILLIAMS has joined ANIMATION WORLD NETWORK as webmaster, replacing Ged Bauer, who has left to pursue further education.
UCLAs School of Theater, Film and Television has appointed ROBERT ROSEN dean, replacing Gil Cates, who stepped down from the post last year but remains a member of the faculty. Rosen was promoted internally from the position of dean of the Film and Television School, a division of the Theater, Film and Television School (including the Animation Workshop). He has worked at UCLA since 1975. . . . Filmmaker JAMES CAMERON and effects master STAN WINSTON have resigned from the board of directors of the Venice, California-based effects studio they co-founded five years ago, DIGITAL DOMAIN.
ANNE SWEENEY has been named president of DISNEY/ABC CABLE NETWORKS, filling a position left vacant when Geraldine Laybourne left in June to form her own media company. Since 1996, Sweeney has been president of the Disney Channel, a title she will retain with the promotion, which will add several programming outlets under her wing: Lifetime, A&E, The History Channel and E! Entertainment Television, as well as ABCs Saturday morning line-up. Prior to Disney, Sweeney was at FX for three years and at Nickelodeon for 12. . . .
Yellow Submarine was the start of a new era of animation. Robert R. Hieronimus, Ph.D. tells us where some of the creative staff went after they left Pepperland.
Glenn Vilppu continues his world-class life drawing lessons. This month the focus is on Spherical Forms.
Cedric Littardi relates his experiences as he prepares to stand trial in France for his involvement with AnimeLand, a magazine focused on animation for adults.
Ron Merk's heated rebuttal to Tim Stocoak's article, "So You Want to Open an Animation Art Gallery!" published in the November 1997 issue of Animation World Magazine.
The second installment of Barry Purves' production diary as he chronicles producing a series of animated shorts for Channel 4. An Animation World Magazine exclusive.
Charles Solomon speaks with Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston about Pierre Lambert's book Pinocchio, the film and, of course, Walt and his dreams.
Geraldine Laybourne, often described as one of the most powerful women inthe entertainment industry, has left her post as president of Disney/ABC Cable Networks to form her own diversified media company. With ABC asits first investor and client, the still unnamed company will focus oncreating branded content for the Internet and television, targeted mainlyat women and children. Prior to joining Disney/ABC in 1996, Laybourne waspresident of Nickelodeon/Nick at Nite, a company she joined in 1980 at its
A survey of animation and visual effects artists, asking, "What" ten animated films would you want to have with you if stranded on a desert island?
The first installment of Barry Purves' production diary as he chronicles producing a series of animated shorts for Channel 4. An Animation World Magazine exclusive.
Finally, something the Pimp likes! Rex The Runt.But, this month, we see that the Animation Pimp reads a lot into this show of four dogs.
Annick Teninge of Animation World Network introduces a collection of tributes and remembrances by friends and students of this dynamic French educator.
Brazilian director Marcos Magalhs describes his experience teaching the animation process to renowned artist Fernando Diniz, creator of Eight Point Star and a patient in a Rio de Janeiro mental hospital.
O diretor brasileiro Marcos Magalhs conta sua experiencia ao ensinar o processo de animao ao conhecido artista Fernando Diniz, criador do filme Estrela de Oito Pontas e paciente de um Hospital para doentes mentais no Rio de Janeiro. A reportagem est? disponivel em portugues e ingles.
Melissa Chimovitz profiles the healthy independent animation scene in New York, focusing on the work of seven animators: George Griffin, John Canemaker, Kathy Rose, Debra Solomon, Steve Dovas, Lewis Klahr, Janie Geiser.
A survey of animation and visual effects artists, asking, "What" ten animated films would you want to have with you if stranded on a desert island?
A survey of animation industry professionals around the globe, asking, "What ten animated films would you want to have with if stranded on a desert island?"
Heather Kenyon interviews Max Howard, President, Warner Bros. Feature Animation, on his thoughts about the creation of a state-of-the-art studio, its' second feature Quest for Camelot, and the future of the animated features business.
Mark Langer relates Walt Disney's role inmaking the atom our friend through his relationships with major Americanarms manufacturers, the U.S. government and the production, Our FriendThe Atom.
Wild Brain's Dave Marshall, co-director of FernGully 2, discusses how he tailored the pre-production process of FernGully 2 to guarantee the best final film for the budget.