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Tagged With: debris

The Epic Space Epic Returns VFXWorld

FuseFX Goes Big and Bold in ‘The Orville: New Horizons'

By Dan Sarto | Friday, September 9, 2022 at 1:10pm

Led by VFX Supervisor Tommy Tran, the studio produced massively complex visuals on 1,827 shots in Season 3 of Seth MacFarlane and Hulu’s sci-fi comedy, including bigger and more complex planets, space battles, and an impressive, completely overhauled USS Orville.


‘Luca’ Delights with the Sounds of an Italian Summer of Fun

By Dan Sarto | Friday, June 18, 2021 at 12:27pm

Director Enrico Casarosa and composer Dan Romer expertly blend 50s-60s pop music with opera and a Felliniesque vibe for a lively, energetic, and emotionally satisfying score; Disney and Pixar’s latest gem premieres today on Disney+.

In Space No One Hears You Render Headline News

Milk VFX Goes ‘Intergalactic’ for Sky

By Dan Sarto | Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 3:51pm

Visual effects studio delivers 850 shots across eight episodes of the sci-fi prison break drama, spanning complex planet and city environments, a spaceship crash, hyperspace travel, creatures, and character enhancements.

Fun in the Sun! ANIMATIONWorld

Dialing In the Stylized Italian Riviera Waters of Pixar’s ‘Luca’

By Dan Sarto | Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at 11:38am

Effects supervisor Jon Reisch drew on his experience as a guitarist to develop ocean wave simulation controls, much like sliders on an equalizer, to hit director Enrico Casarosa’s mark for an expressive, lyrical Japanese woodblock look, in the studio’s upcoming animated feature.

A Cut Above the Rest! VFXWorld

DNEG Revisits Some Old Friends in ‘Zack Snyder’s Justice League’

Leading VFX studio delivers 430 shots on HBO Max’s long-awaited DC feature redo, picking up where they left off in 2017 on Cyborg, Wonder Woman, and the Flash sequences.