Seth MacFarlane Names Faith Sedlin Fuzzy Door Tech President
The production company’s new tech division taps former Siri CMO to helm development and operations, including expansion of company’s flagship AR production visualization tool ViewScreen.
The production company’s new tech division taps former Siri CMO to helm development and operations, including expansion of company’s flagship AR production visualization tool ViewScreen.
TTF Anim, the company’s new game engine-based final animation toolset and in-house animation group, is fueling its goal to move from visualization to screen-ready animated content creation; new short, ‘Skytribe,’ demonstrates the range of styles and realism possible through new means of camera movement, facial modeling, and face/body animation.
New toolset brings real-time capabilities to creators of cinema-quality, stylized animated content; developed on top of Unreal Engine, pipeline features custom-developed visualization tools that introduce game engine rendering to features of traditional animation.