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Category: Technology

Effects Headline News

Adobe announces new version of After Effects

San Jose, California-based Adobe Systems Incorporated has announced Adobe After Effects 4.1. After Effects is a tool for motion graphics designers and visual effects artists working with film, video, multimedia and the Web. Among the new features are: support for enhanced media exchange, performance enhancements, workflow refinements, and extended creative options and control. Adobe After Effects 4.1 will be available in September 1999 in the US and Canada for an estimated street price of US$699 for the standard version and US$1,499 for the production bundle.

Production Headline News

New version of TICTACTOON 2D software released

Montreal, Canada-based Toon Boom Technologies Inc. is now shipping version 2.3 of TicTacToon. Some of the features included on this new version are the ability to: customize and modify the aspect ratio of each scene at any stage of production; work on up to three levels of animation simultaneously; drag and drop entire columns of drawings with their cel names and timing to and from the Animation and Exposure Sheet modules; make order and timing changes quickly in either module through insert, replace or append options; and draw paintable rectangular zones to close outer edges of any drawing.

Version Headline News

New version of Toonz 2D software released

Italy, Rome-based Digital Video S.R.L. has announced Toonz version 4.3,which provides 2D users with new tools to be more creative and efficient ontheir job. The digital exposure sheet is much more user friendly, includingmany new special effects, complete keyframe capabilities on all parameters,and enlarged number of mathematical expressions for more controllablemotion. Enhancements of display features include icons in the level headerarea for quick reference of elements. Texture mapping has been strengthened

Views Headline News

Androme launches Creatoon

Diepenbeek, Belgium-based Androme N.V. has announced the release ofCreaToon, a tool for cut-out animation, animated paint and any otheranimation that needs the manipulation of images or video sequences.CreaToon enables real-time editing and preview, and allows all parametersand textures can be animated with multiple camera views and scenes and lotsof plug-ins, such as file format plug-ins (TGA, BMP, JPG, PNG and AVI), alayers plug-in (image and gradient layer) and others. The package also

Software Headline News

Animo releases Production Tracker

Cambridge, UK-based Cambridge Animation has released Animo ProductionTracker - new software that allows studios to use the Internet, intranetsand internal networks to track every aspect of a production cycle. AnimoProduction Tracker software automates management of the thousands ofdrawings and different personnel involved in a typical project, allowingusers to better ascertain progress, determine costs, allocate resources,and eliminate duplication. The new software is fully integrated with Animo,

Headline News

Macromedia ships Drumbeat 2000

San Francisco, California-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced theimmediate availability of the Macromedia Drumbeat 2000 line of productswhich provide a visual solution for Web application and e-commercedevelopment. Drumbeat 2000 is available in an Active Server Pages (ASP)version, a Java Server Pages (JSP) version, and an eCommerce edition. TheDrumbeat 2000 product line is being offered for the first time byMacromedia, which announced its intent to acquire Elemental Software and

Effects Headline News

Metacreations announces Carrara and KPT Vector Effects 1.5

San Francisco-based MetaCreations Corp., which develops and markets 2D and 3Dvisualization software for graphic artists and the World Wide Web, hasannounced Carrara 1.0, a 3D modeling and animation solution for print,video and the Web. Carrara will contain a hybrid Ray Tracer, advancedshader editors, multiple modelers, real-time Metaballs, particle systems,3D light sources, lens flares, motion blur, key framing, physical effects,deformers and more. Carrara will introduce a workflow called SmartFlow that

Headline News

Newtek ships Video Toaster for Windows

San Antonio, Texas-based NewTek, manufacturer of 3D animation and videoproduction products, has announced Video Toaster for Windows. The new VideoToaster is the heir to the original Video Toaster for the Amiga, whichinitiated the desktop video revolution in 1990. The Video Toaster offersusers a suite of tools for video creation including all the essentialcomponents for video editing, compositing and 2D/3D animation. Thesuggested retail price is $2995.00. The dual format NTSC and PAL solutionretails for $3495.00.

Animation Headline News

Station X licenses animation software

Santa Monica, California-based Station X Studios is licensing theproduction version of its proprietary animation software tools, code named"Project: messiah," as a commercial software product. The high-endanimation production software, developed to animate the studio'sforthcoming live-action/CGI feature film DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: THE MOVIE, canbe used on computers utilizing the Microsoft Windows NT operating systemwith either Intel compatible or Alpha compatible processors. A Mac version

Headline News

Macromedia releases Flash Writer for Adobe Illustrator users

San Francisco, California-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced Macromedia FlashWriter, a free downloadable plug-in for Adobe Illustrator, which willenable Illustrator users to save their artwork natively to the Flash Playerfile format (SWF). Illustrator users will now be able to deploy theirartwork to the Web immediately without having to reformat it as a bitmappedfile. Flash is the industry standard for high-impact, vector-based Websites that deliver motion, sound, interactivity and graphics. Flash Writer

Headline News

Macromedia relases Flash Player for UNIX

San Francisco, California-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced that itsFlash Player, which enables internet browsers to play web animations, willbe available free on September 1, 1999 for Linux, Sun Microsystems, Inc.'sSolaris, and Silicon Graphics Inc.'s Irix platforms. Flash is the standardfor creating high-impact, vector-based Web sites that deliver motion,sound, interactivity, and graphics. Flash Player versions for UNIX will beavailable for download at no charge from the Macromedia Web site.

Headline News

Alias|Wavefront announces Maya Paint Effects and Maya Builder

Alias/Wavefront has announced Maya Paint Effects. Paint Effects is a toolfor the instantaneous creation and animation of organic and painterlyeffects. Completely integrated inside of Maya, Paint Effects comes with amyriad of editable pressure-sensitive preset brushes including: EffectsBrushes which can create complete environments with trees, grass, andflowers, characters with realistic hair, eyebrows and beards, and specialeffects such as lightning, clouds, rain, fire, fireworks, starfields and

Software Headline News

Pixar releases Photorealistic Renderman 3.9 and Renderman Artist Tools 4.0

Point Richmond, California-based Pixar Animation Studios has announced thatit is releasing version 3.9 of PhotoRealistic RenderMan, its AcademyAward-winning visual effects software, and version 4.0 of the completeRenderMan Artist Tools suite. The new software version, scheduled forshipment in September, makes RenderMan easier and more powerful forcreative artists, and for the first time provides support for rendering onrender farms running the Windows NT operating system. Some other advanced

Software Headline News

Crater Software launching "satellite" versions of CTP 2D animation software

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Crater Software, a Spanish-Canadian software development collaboration, announced plans to launch a series of "satellite" versions of CTP, the company's 2D animation software, at this years' Siggraph. The launch of four CTP Satellites - Paint, Scan, Render and the already-released Pencil-test - will coincide with the release of CTP Version 1.3, also being showcased at the show.

Effects Headline News

Puffin Designs ships Commotion for Windows NT and Macintosh

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Commotion, the award-winning visual effects application, is now available for Windows NT. Commotion version 2.1 marks Puffin Designs' first release for Macintosh and Windows NT. This highly anticipated release is a direct result of requests from thousands of NT-based effects artists who wanted to use Commotion on their platform of choice. Both versions are functionally and visually identical, enabling users to work in either environment without having to find work-arounds for interface or workflow differences.

Motion Headline News

Vicon reveals real-time optical motion capture

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, August 11, 1999 at 12:00am

Vicon has announced the latest in motion capture technology - Vicon 8Rt. The final reduction in the production pipeline has been achieved with the Vicon 8 system, producing accurate optical motion capture in real-time. This marks a significant breakthrough in motion capture technology as Vicon 8Rt is not a previewer, but actually produces full body motion capture data without the wait.

Studio Headline News

Discreet ships 3D Studio Max R3 software

By Dan Sarto | Monday, August 9, 1999 at 12:00am

Discreet, a division of Autodesk, Inc., announced the worldwide availability of 3D Studio MAX Release 3 software, the latest release of its award-winning, professional, 3D modeling and animation solution designed specifically for Intel architecture and Microsoft Windows NT. Shipping with the 3D Studio MAX R3 software is a free update to Character Studio" Release 2.2. With an enhanced collaborative workflow environment and powerful new renderer, 3D Studio MAX supports hundreds of third-party commercial and free plug-ins, many of which will be available for 3D Studio MAX R3 software today.

Headline News

SGI ships flat panel monitor for Macintosh

SGI has begun volume shipments of the Silicon Graphics 1600SW digital flat panel monitor for Apple Macintosh computers. The monitor is bundled with the new Macintosh version of the Number Nine Revolution IV-FP graphics accelerator in the Apple Macintosh version of the Digital Flat Panel Solution Pack. The graphics card provides the digital display interface, and features 32MB of graphics memory. The monitor features a 19-inch CRT-equivalent, 17.3 inch 1600 x 1024 pixel screen. It offers three times the brightness and five times the contrast of a comparably-sized CRT, with no flicker.

Animation Headline News

Hash releases Animation Master 99 version 7.1

Vancouver, Washington-based Hash, Inc. has released an update to AnimationMaster 99, the 3D animation software program. In addition to carrying a lowprice tag, Hash offers many features found in higher priced packages and issupported by many animators as a low cost package that is capable of goodwork. New to version 7.1 are advancements in new real-time hardwaretechnologies, enhanced rendering tools, and overall workflow performanceenhancements. The upgrade is free to owners of Animation Master 99. Formore information visit

Software Headline News

Macromedia acquires Elemental

San Franciso-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced an agreement under whichMacromedia will acquire Elemental Software for $24 million in a stock forstock transaction. Elemental Software is a privately held company thatdevelops and markets software that enables corporate users to build Webapplications for e-business solutions. Elemental's products includeDrumbeat 2000, Drumbeat 2000 JavaServer Pages Edition, and eStore Builderfor Drumbeat 2000. Upon completion of the acquisition, the Elemental
