Macromedia acquires Elemental

San Franciso-based Macromedia, Inc. has announced an agreement under whichMacromedia will acquire Elemental Software for $24 million in a stock forstock transaction. Elemental Software is a privately held company thatdevelops and markets software that enables corporate users to build Webapplications for e-business solutions. Elemental's products includeDrumbeat 2000, Drumbeat 2000 JavaServer Pages Edition, and eStore Builderfor Drumbeat 2000. Upon completion of the acquisition, the Elementalproducts will continue to be sold and supported as part of Macromedia'sindustry-leading suite of Web publishing solutions, and will be keycomponents of Macromedia's overall solution for creating dynamic Webapplications.

Read about Macromedia's newest versions of Dreamweaver and Fireworks inJeff Williams' "Macromedia's Latest: Making the Web Easy".
