A painting in Photoshop

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A painting in Photoshop

Its a painting I made in Photoshop. I took a long time to do this. So just want to share it with you.

rahularavind's picture
Rahul Aravind www.rahularavind.com

Rahul Aravind

i get a broken link. and upon opening the image break in a new window i get this message

HTTP1.1 STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member's site.

"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo

Check now

Please check now..

Rahul Aravind


Hope you don't mind what you will hopefully see as constructive critisizm.

First off, I love the clouds. They are subtle and barely visible which I seem to really enjoy.

Now, here are a few things that you might want to look at to either fix or watch out for on your next project.

First, his left arm seems very long. I know it probably just happened by accident but it is something you might want to be on the look out for.

Second, I have no problem with showing your pencil lines in the painting, but some times you have them there and other times they seem partly erased, or airbrushed. Here is an example of and artist who shows his pencil lines the whole time: http://www.timmcburnie.com/gallery/works

Third, you might want to use the Blur or Smudge tool on the upper and lower walls in the picture just to take some of the edge off.

Finally, I like how you used the orange to add a highlight on the edge of your characters, but you also might want to work similarly when it comes to the shawdows. I saw this online and it really helped me paint:

"Do not create lights and shadowed areas using white and black. Many beginners lay down a base color (let's say, red for an apple), then create shadows by lightly shading with black, and lights areas by lightly shading with white. This creates a very dull and artificial appearance and assumes that the light source is pure white. Most light is colored. The highlights on an object will be tinted with the color of the light, and the shadows will be tinted with the complementary or opposite color. Afternoon sunlight, for example is yellow, and will cast blue-purple shadows. Fluorescent light is blue-green, which casts a slightly orange shadow. When drawing with reference or from life, carefully measure the color with your eyes. Isolate a light or dark area and try to ignore the surroundings. Color your picture accordingly."

here is the entire article and is defenitely worth a look. http://www.eatpoo.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=11173

Most of all, keep practicing. You have a lot of good here and I'm looking forwarding to seeing more of what you turn out. Keep posting.

Hope that helps.


Thanks a lot

Thanks a lot for the reply and a good guidance. I'm watching the links provided by you. After getting your reply only, I'm realizing those drawbacks in my work. I'm going to do a research on this.

Thanks again..

Rahul Aravind

All i get is:

Welcome to rahularavind.com !

in the top left hand corner on a blank white page. hmm.. dont know if its the crappy g3 im on at work. I have flash installed, browsing with Safari.


Server Problem..

Its a problem with the server...

Rahul Aravind