How do I end this Film?

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How do I end this Film?


If you follow this link:

It will take you to my blog and a work in progress - project that I did in a part of one day- yesterday (in FLIPBOOK).

It is a combination of wanting to say something about war- and make a statement as an artist.

Any suggestions? Where this project is going I have no idea- but as I mentioned I just wanted to do something. Hopefully the final will be more animated .


Larry L.'s picture
Larry web site http://tooninst[URL=] [/URL]blog: [U] [/U] email:

Hello Larry,

It`s good animation, but as you stated it needs a bit more movement. Maybe if you place the character standing in fron of a recruiting office, and one angry sergeant watching him from his desk. It could all be on the street while people walk by and stop to read the sign. Later the sergeant walks out and kicks the guys ass, or grabs him and pulls the guy in the office and closes the blinds, or tries to recruit him, know, add a funny or unexpected situattion. I have Flipbook also, but I haven`t tried using the colors on it yet. I am still trying to figure out how to make a painted background with it for my projects. Good luck with the toon!



I do need to add more action - it's all one hugh spacer right now...

It needs indeed some action,
you could put a "pro-war" guy next to it (a sergeant, a redneck, an industrial...)
then let the contra-war guy look at the pro-war dude and point at his sign.
The pro-war guy sticks his tongue out at the contra-war and raises his sign and the contra-war guy hits the pro-war guy with his sign.

but that's my suggestion ;)