5th Animarte – International Animation Festival: Buenos Aires, Argentina

5th Animarte – International Animation Festival

Animarte is a showcase that focuses on short animated films. The show tours cities in South America bringing some of the best animated shorts from around the world. The show is offered free of charge and we try reach large audiences. We believe in bringing animation shorts to the largest number of people possible to spark their creativity and open their minds to this innovative form of art.

Animarte’s Artistic Director, Javier Saldeña, was born and raised in Argentina. He studied filmmaking in Buenos Aires and later moved to the United States to further his studies in filmmaking and animation. During regular trips back home he would bring animated shorts with him that he had seen in the United States to share with friends and family. Javier soon discovered how excited people in his home country of Argentina and the surrounding countries were about this unique form of art.

That’s when we decided to partner up with friends, fellow animation lovers and other artists to mount an animation show that would bring the best animated shorts to cities throughout South America!

ANIMARTE showcases the best animation shorts from around the world and brings them to cities throughout South America. Already three major cities have been confirmed for our sixth edition: Buenos Aires, Argentina; Mendoza, Argentina and Viña del Mar, Chile. We continue to work hard to add more cities to our tour!


The 5th Animarte – International Animation Festival is receiving submissions until October 31, 2010. Animarte is open to animated and mixed media shorts with a duration of 15 minutes or less. There is no entry or registration fee and all animation techniques are accepted.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010 - 4:56pm
Buenos Aires