Anticipation, The 67th World Science Fiction Convention, has added Ralph Bakshi as Artist Guest of Honor. Bakshi's career spans five decades, during which he has created memorable and groundbreaking films including WIZARDS, FIRE AND ICE and the first film adaptation of THE LORD OF THE RINGS. In addition, he has worked on and directed a variety of television shows including ROCKET ROBIN HOOD, SPIDERMAN, THE MIGHTY HEROES and THE NEW ADVENTURES OF MIGHTY MOUSE.
The newest guest of honor joins those announced in September 2007: Neil Gaiman, Elisabeth Vonarburg, Tom Doherty, David Hartwell and Taral Wayne. Author Julie Czerneda will be Master of Ceremonies.
The 67th World Science Fiction Convention, known as Anticipation, will take place in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from Thursday, August 6 through Monday, August 10, 2009. More information about Anticipation, including current membership rates, is available at