Cinekid for Professionals

Cinekid for Professionals is a four day event (26 to 29 October) held during the nine day kids festival. Over 300 makers, financers, producers, distributors and buyers come to Amsterdam to inspire each other and enter into co productions and joint ventures. They close deals, network, watch new films and programmes and find new partners. Cinekid for Professionals consists of co production markets, the ScreeningClub (Buyers Market) and the Cinekid for Professionals Conference.

The professional program of the 25th edition of Cinekid, the Film, Television and New Media festival for children will take place October 18th - 21st 2011 in Amsterdam and we are now open for entries.

Submit your completed film and television productions for the ScreeningClub, where 250+ new productions will be screened by children’s media professionals from all over the world.

Also, please submit projects in development to The Junior Cinekid Co-Production Markets.

The markets bring together cutting edge producers with international financiers for a day of one-on-one meetings to further development and production of Cross Media, TV and Film projects.

Deadline for submitting an entry and accreditation is August 15th 2011.

Save the date:

18-21 October   2011      : ScreeningClub

20 October 2011               : The Junior Cross Media & Film Markets

21 October 2011               : The Junior TV Market

For more information, the regulations and entry forms, check out our website

Tuesday, October 18, 2011 - 3:06pm to Friday, October 21, 2011 - 3:06pm
Submission Deadline 
Monday, August 15, 2011 - 3:05pm